
As a registered and certified speech-language pathologist, I am qualified to provide a broad range of direct and consultative speech and language services. I am currently focusing my practice on school-age children, teens, and the young adult population. My services include:

  • individual executive function skill coaching

  • group social and executive skill instruction and practice

  • parent and staff training in executive function skill development and strategy use

  • Group social, executive skills, and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) instruction and practice.

  • Consultative, pragmatic language and self regulation services for young people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Social Anxiety, and executive function skill challenges.

  • I use evidence-based social and executive skill strategies from Dr. Peg Dawson, Michelle Garcia Winner, Dr. Lisa Audet, Russell Barkley, Sarah Ward, Gates & McNair, Dr. McCloskey, Marsha Linehan (DBT) and Elizabeth Laugeson.

  • I directly screen, teach, model, and give my clients practice with evidence based executive function and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) strategies for the following skills: response inhibition, working memory, emotional control, flexible thinking, sustained attention, planning/prioritization, organization, time management, goal-directed persistence, and metacognition.